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How to find your The One or Mr / Mrs Perfect?
One of the most commonly asked questions I am asked often, is: "Why I can't find The Perfect One?" And I truly wish I had a directory for...
You are MORE than "JUST A MOTHER"
Dear women: older and younger, married and single, employed and unemployed... You are loving mothers, sisters, caring daughters, wives,...
How to deal with your to-do list?
Those long never accomplished and living in your draw forever "to-do lists". Frequently you hear, "I need to add this to my list", or...
How to start feeling better in life?
Many people are trying to find meaning in their life: the meaning of love, the meaning of what someone just told them, etc. However, it...
How to achieve your goals?
Have you noticed how from one new year to another, all that you hear around New Year’s Eve is: "so what's your new year's resolution?!"....
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