How your daily habits affect your life: discover your negative habits and turn them around

I can tell what habits you have from how your life is: your daily routine affects not only your private life but also your finances, your social life, your relationships, your work or business, your personal growth... everything. So whether you want to make a tiny shift or take a massive, huge, life-changing step - you should start with your habits!
Look around and at yourself: Why did you dress up that way? How did you brush your teeth today? Why did you take your phone with you, and what did you do with it on the way to work/university? Did you read something to grow and improve yourself or just surf through Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter?
Every day I work with clients on their lives, and I see the same pattern: bad habits = bad results, poor habits = poor results, and negative habits = negative results...And people are still wondering why nothing has changed in their lives for ages!!!
If you truly and honestly are fed up with the way things are in your life, here is a step-by-step guide on how to change everything:
1. Start with writing what your life looks like right now.
Don't exaggerate, just write pure facts. Be honest and open. Keep this list. Many years later, you will be thankful for this date. In fact, put a date on it!
2. Next, list habits you are aware of that are NOT helping you or damaging to you. Ask your friends and family, and don't be shy or embarrassed. People who love you will be very happy to see you working on yourself! If you are constantly late for work and know it results from waking up late, you should write, "I am going to bed too late."
3. Make a new, empowering list of habits by replacing all negatives.
"Go to sleep by 10 pm" is a new positive habit!
4. Prioritize by most important habits and make a plan: hourly, daily, weekly or monthly, depending on the type of habit. It could even be yearly: do my tax assessment by the New Year, not January.
5. Action plan: start working on your new habits.
Choose no more than three new habits in a day, but work on them regularly.
6. Create a "punishment" and a "reward". You don't get chocolate until you do your new action. And if you don't do it - think about what would push you. Not watching your favourite TV program? Anything else? That way, you will feel rewarded for doing and following your action plan and be conscious of the consequences of not doing it!
My favourite example is brushing your teeth: parents were teaching us, doing that for us, asking and reminding us and now, being adults, we simply do it.
No one pays attention to that anymore, it has become natural.
Make your new, empowering, positive habits as natural as brushing your teeth!
I am sure you are ready to be the owner of your life, to make it the most amazing and fulfilling! Start now, start with a small step and trust me, you will get far!